We are in the midst of technological revolution, where personal and professional activities that could previously only be conducted on computers, are now managed on our cell phones. As we deploy 5G technology this will shift even further by enabling enhanced mobile broadband, ultra-reliable low latency communications and the massive Internet of Things. An essential part of this revolution is the rapid implementation and sanctity of 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) technology.
The Open RAN Policy Coalition represents a group of companies formed to promote policies that will advance the adoption of open and interoperable solutions in the Radio Access Network (RAN) as a means to create innovation, spur competition and expand the supply chain for advanced wireless technologies including 5G.
Coalition members believe that by standardizing or “opening” the protocols and interfaces between the various subcomponents (radios, hardware and software) in the RAN, we move to an environment where networks can be deployed with a more modular design without being dependent upon a single vendor.
Standardizing and developing open interfaces will allow us to ensure interoperability across different players and potentially lower the barrier to entry for new innovators.
We believe that there are a variety of steps that policymakers can take to facilitate a vibrant marketplace of suppliers based upon open interfaces. To that end, the coalition will promote policies that:
- Support global development of open and interoperable wireless technologies;
- Signal government support for open and interoperable solutions;
- Use government procurement to support vendor diversity;
- Fund research and development;
- Remove barriers to 5G deployment; and
- Avoid heavy-handed or prescriptive solutions.