Contact: Emily Covington
[email protected]
May 20, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC – The Open RAN Policy Coalition, a group of more than 30 global technology companies formed to promote policies that will advance the adoption of open and interoperable solutions in the Radio Access Network (RAN) and expand the supply chain for advanced wireless technologies, elected representatives from 12 companies to serve on the Coalition’s Board of Directors.
Chris Boyer of AT&T was elected to serve as the Coalition’s Chairman; Eric Wenger of Cisco will serve as Vice-Chair; Nick Fetchko of Verizon as Treasurer; and Becky Fraser of Qualcomm as Secretary.
At-large Board members elected include Thierry Maupile of Altiostar; Jeff Blum of DISH Network; Robert Pepper of Facebook, Jayne Stancavage of Intel; John Baker of Mavenir; David Jeppsen of NTT; Azita Arvani of Rakuten Mobile; and Ed Howard of Vodafone.
The makeup of the Board reflects the larger Coalition membership, with representatives from both wireless network operators and wireless network equipment and services suppliers.
For more information on the Open RAN Policy Coalition, visit