ORPC Statement on Global Coalition on Telecommunications Launch

Today, the United Kingdom government announced the launch of the Global Coalition on Telecommunications (GCOT). The initial membership of GCOT spans five countries – Australia, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States and will seek to drive closer cooperation a range of important issues, not least telecommunications vendor diversification.

The Open RAN Policy Coalition applauds the United Kingdom and its partner nations in the creation of this group, which will enable greater coordination and collaboration across countries that are at the forefront of Open RAN activity. We believe that this will ultimately drive greater investment, innovation, and competition in the market for telecommunications network infrastructure.

Today’s announcement builds upon the foundations laid by the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue and the G7 on Open RAN, and paves the way forward for an enduring and operational commitment for the adoption of open and interoperable solutions in the RAN.  We greatly look forward to engaging with this organization to further advance global reliable, secure, and sustainable telecommunications.